Doodle 4 Ukraine

Doodle 4 Ukraine was run by a group of window artists in the North West to raise money for the British Red Cross Ukraine appeal. There were 9 of us involved, but it was Katie Kershaw of Feather Lettered that was the brains behind the operation.

For a minimum donation of £25 we doodled our sunflower motif on the windows of businesses and for donation of £2 we supplied homes with a digital download they could trace on their own window or put up as a poster. The response was incredible, at the time of writing this post, the total raised was an amazing £6,706! Obliterating the initial target of £500!

30 wonderful businesses in Clitheroe took part. We cannot thank everyone enough!


Lucie Cooke Design has a new home!


The Christmas Window Trail for Young Epilepsy