
Workshops are a relatively new string to my bow, having held my first one in April 2022. Since then I have held private illustration workshops, all based around botanical illustration at Corto in Clitheroe, Atelier Art studios and Holden Clough Nurseries. I have also held a public drop in window illustration as part of Draw Clitheroe ‘22. The underlying principle of all my workshops has been the same, to help people break the mental block of ‘oh I can’t draw’ and to make art and illustration more accessible.

I have a few plans underway for workshops in 2023 so keep you eye on my events page for more info.


Wether you are looking for an artistic programme to work within your curriculum or looking for something totally fresh as an access to careers day, I can tailor a workshop to suit. I have had great success with my ‘how to build a monster’ concept as well as taking the draw on a window with me concept, created for Draw Clitheroe, and adapting it for schools.

If you would like to discuss a workshop at your school, contact me HERE.

